At our clinic you will find a solution for every dental problem
We have 12 reasons why you should choose Móricz Dental if you wish for permanent and aesthetic solutions to your dental problems without compromises, and if you intend to have the treatment done in a European environment. Have a perfect smile by a help of dental implant technology, in cooperation with well-prepared dentists, without having communication problems.
English-speaking dental team with specialized knowledge.
Our clinic has a digital panoramic X-ray machine with a built-in CT function. This burdens the human body as little as possible. It also allows us to deliver the most precise diagnosis possible and to plan personalized treatments.
In case you are not satisfied with an average aesthetic appearance, and you need an ’artistically sophisticated’ solution to your dental problems instead, you should contact our aesthetic specialist. He will find a natural-looking, aesthetic solution for you.
The replacement of missing teeth is also available in other dental surgeries, but implantation in Móricz Dental is based on a 3D coab bean CT and a panoramic X-ray image made by a diagnostic appliance. These images ensure that your implant will be permanent and steady. Implantologist Dr. Péter Gyuricza’s professional skills and decades of experience also contribute to the success of the implantation.9.Specialist in successful treatment of periodontal diseases
The development of periodontal diseases is almost unperceivable, and when the symptoms appear, the disease is already in an advanced phase. To successfully reverse the process and to treat the periodontal disease, special professional knowledge is required. This is provided by Dr. Anikó Agics periodontologist.
Microscopic root canal treatments are more precise and permanent than traditional root canal treatments. 25-fold magnification and special lighting enable the dentist to chart even the smallest root canals. In our clinic Dr. Adrienn Török, a specialist in microscopic root canal treatments, performs these treatments.
It is never too late to start orthodontic treatments. If performed with the right skills, these treatments yield a permanent and aesthetic outcome. Orthodontist Dr. Viktória Lakatos is in charge of performing these treatments in our clinic. She has been performing orthodontic treatments for adults and children for 10 years.
When it comes to tricky wisdom tooth extraction or bone grafting, our dental surgeon, Dr. Gabriella Kalmár, handles problems with care, adequate steadiness and a sure aim. In case this expertise, a precise diagnosis, a European high-tech environment, high quality materials, an extended dental laboratory partnership and a dental team covering all the branches of dentistry are important to you, do not hesitate to contact us. Call +36 1 / 361 - 1222 and schedule an appointment for a consultation with the specialist you have chosen. We are waiting for your call.
In case that expertise, precise and gentle diagnosis, European high-tech environment, high quality materials, extended dental laboratory partner and a dental team covering all the branches of dentistry are important to you, do not hesitate to contact us.
If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental treatment, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.
Call us at phone number +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to with your questions, if you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send us it too.
Ismerje meg, mit kell tennie fogtömés után, hogyan kezelje a gyakori tüneteket, és hogyan gondoskodhat fogai hosszú távú egészségéről a Móricz Dental szakértőivel.
Tovább olvasomA modern fogpótlás technológiái forradalmi megoldásokat kínálnak a hiányzó vagy sérült fogak pótlására. Ismerje meg lehetőségeit a Móricz Dentalnál!
Tovább olvasomA szép mosoly titka a fogkő eltávolítással kezdődik. Nemcsak az esztétikai megjelenés javul, hanem számos egészségügyi előnnyel is jár. Bemutatjuk a fogkő eltávolítás legfontosabb előnyeit, és megismerheti a Móricz Dental professzionális 6 az 1-ben MD szájhigéna csomagját is, amely segít elérni a tökéletes mosolyt.
Tovább olvasomHiányos foga, vagy fogai vannak? Szeretné mielőbb pótolni a legjobb módszerekkel? Az alábbiakban összefoglaltuk a legfontosabb tudnivalókat a fogimplantátum beültetésével kapcsolatban.
Tovább olvasomA fogászati szűrővizsgálat egy rutinszerű fogorvosi ellenőrzés, amelynek célja a szájüreg, a fogak és az íny állapotának felmérése, valamint a potenciális problémák korai felismerése. Amennyiben a fogászati problémákat időben felismerjük, elkerülhetjük a komolyabb problémák, esetleges fájdalmak kialakulását. Az alábbiakban bemutatjuk a legfontosabb tudnivalókat a fogászati szűrővizsgálatokról.
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