Our prices at Móricz Dental


Our priority services

The most commonly used dental treatments

Dental Services Price List

Please open the main categories.

Consultation with a specialist

First consultation

20 EUR

Annual control

90 EUR

Periodontal consultation

30 EUR

Digital diagnosis

Digital X-ray (intraoral x-ray)

19 EUR

Digital panoramic X-ray

48 EUR

3D Cone Beam CT + panoramic X-ray

100 EUR

Aesthetic fillings

Dental neck filling

70 EUR

Front tooth filling

106 EUR

Premolar tooth filling 1 surface

79 EUR

Premolar tooth filling more surface

101 EUR

Molar tooth fillings one surface

98 EUR

Molar tooth fillings more surface

101 EUR

Edge reconstruction

133 EUR

Dental Cofferdam

22 EUR

Root canal treatment

Removal of old root canal fillings – front tooth

106 EUR

Removal of old root canal fillings – premolar tooth

120 EUR

Removal of old root canal fillings – molar tooth

127 EUR

Opening pulp – front tooth

90 EUR

Opening pulp – premolar tooth

92 EUR

Opening pulp – molar tooth

121 EUR

Root canal treatment, closing with medicine – front tooth

121 EUR

Root canal treatment, closing with medicine – premolar tooth

121 EUR

Root canal treatment, closing with medicine – molar tooth

133 EUR

Root canal treatment – electrical measurement – Morita

28 EUR

X-ray + Morita

40 EUR

Root canal fillings – front tooth

90 EUR

Root canal fillings – premolar tooth

94 EUR

Root canal fillings – molar tooth

120 EUR

Endo 3D CT – 1 tooth

40 EUR

Microscopic root canal treatment

Root canal treatment – front tooth

356 EUR

Root canal treatment – premolar tooth

381 EUR

Root canal treatment – molar tooth

416 EUR

Removal of old root fillings + new root filling – front tooth

398 EUR

Removal of old root fillings + new root filling – premolar tooth

420 EUR

Removal of old root fillings + new root filling – molar tooth

435 EUR

Removal of dental post

44 EUR

Remove broken instrument

68 EUR

Dental hygiene treatment ( Tartar removal, special cleaning of the oral cavity)

MD oral hygiene package

71 EUR

Whitening and dental jewelery

Professional whitening

231 EUR

Teeth whitening pack for home teeth whitening

231 EUR

Root canal treated tooth whitening – per tooth

95 EUR

Paint sensitive tooth – per tooth

48 EUR

Dental jewelery

79 EUR

Aesthetic dentistry

Smile Design (Smylist®), You can see your new smile before treatment

51 EUR

Smile Design 3D realistic physical modeling of Your new smile

316 EUR

Mock-up – modeling your new smile in reality (per tooth)

49 EUR

Ceramic veneers

270 EUR

Ceramic veneers (e.max®)

270 EUR

Direct veneers

153 EUR

Lumineers by Cerinate®

719 EUR

Gum plasty – gum contour change

101 EUR

Esthetic Abutment with post 3M®

100 EUR

Brilliant Dental Solutions - Super aesthetic and realistic restorations

First, front teeth restoration

131 EUR

Premolar teeth restoration 1 superficies

125 EUR

Partial restorations / inlays, onlays, overlays

270 EUR

BDS Ceramic veneers (French or Swiss dental laboratory)

703 EUR

BDS direct veneers

234 EUR

Dental surgery

Tooth removal

80 EUR

Sinus closing

112 EUR

Removal of root tips

129 EUR

Removal of wisdom teeth

129 EUR

Surgical tooth removal

129 EUR


129 EUR

Resection with bone grafting

256 EUR

Alpha Bio® implant

Alpha Bio® implant: 10-year warranty

352 EUR

Alpha Bio titanium implant abutment

183 EUR

Zircon ceramic crown on implant

245 EUR

Screw metal-ceramic crowns (optional superstructures with crown)

379 EUR

Screw zircon ceramic crowns (optional superstructures with crown)

444 EUR

Screw temporary crowns (optional superstructures with crown)

95 EUR

Gums forming (Healing screw)

68 EUR

Porcelain covered metal-ceramic crown on implant

163 EUR

Nobel Biocare® Replace CC implant (Made in Sweden)

Nobel Biocare® Replace CC implant (Made in Sweden) : 10-year warranty

540 EUR

Procera® titanium implant abutment for Nobel Biocare® Raplace CC implant

270 EUR

Procera® zirconium implant abutment for Nobel Biocare® Raplace CC implant

379 EUR

Porcelain covered metal-ceramic crown on implant

163 EUR

Porcelain covered zirconium ceramic crown on implant

245 EUR

Screw temporary crowns (optional superstructures with crown)

95 EUR

Procera® implant bridge (optional superstructures with crown)

520 EUR

Gums forming (Healing screw)

68 EUR

Nobel Biocare® NobelParallel Conical Connection implant (Made in Sweden)

Nobel Biocare® NobelParallel Conical Connection implant (Made in Sweden) : 10-year warranty

540 EUR

Procera® titanium implant abutment for Nobel Biocare® NobelParallel Conical Connection implant

270 EUR

Procera® zirconium implant abutment for Nobel Biocare® NobelParallel Conical Connection implant

379 EUR

Porcelain covered metal-ceramic crown on implant

163 EUR

Porcelain covered zirconium ceramic crown on implant

245 EUR

Procera® implant bridge (optional superstructures with crown)

520 EUR

Gums forming (Healing screw)

62 EUR

Screw temporary crowns (optional superstructures with crown)

95 EUR

Nobel Biocare® Active implant (Made in Sweden)

Nobel Biocare® Active implant (Made in Sweden): 10-year warranty

670 EUR

Procera® titanium implant abutment for Nobel Biocare® Active implant

270 EUR

Procera® zirconium implant abutment for Nobel Biocare® Active implant

379 EUR

Porcelain covered metal-ceramic crown on implant

163 EUR

Porcelain covered zirconium ceramic crown on implant

245 EUR

Procera® implant bridge (optional superstructures with crown)

520 EUR

Gums forming (Healing screw)

62 EUR

Screw temporary crown (optional superstructures with crown)

95 EUR

Nobel Guide

540 EUR


Imtec® implant (Fixation of removable dentures)

368 EUR

O-ring (metal body and rubber rings for fixation of removable dentures)

93 EUR

O-ring rubber rings change

20 EUR

Temporary implant

188 EUR

All on 4 superstructure (4 multiunit) Cytoplast Membrane

4591 EUR

Bone grafting

Sinus lift

627 EUR

Internal sinus lift

313 EUR

Vertical augmentacio

815 EUR

Crowns and bridges

Porcelain covered metal-ceramic crown on implant

163 EUR

Porcelain covered metal-ceramic crown

163 EUR

Zirconium ceramic crown

245 EUR

Procera zirconium ceramic crown

349 EUR

Zirconium ceramic crown on implant

245 EUR

Porcelain covered gold crown (+ Gold price)

275 EUR

Full porcelain crown (e-max)

245 EUR

Ceramic veneers E-max

270 EUR

Tooth build up – Post build up

60 EUR

Temporary crown made in our clinic

56 EUR

Temporary crown made in dental laboratory

78 EUR

Metal-sheet for combined work

376 EUR

Fine-mechanical fixing elements

403 EUR

Artificial Teeth

38 EUR

Full dental prosthetics

414 EUR

Temporary removable tooth replacement (1 tooth)

117 EUR

Clear palate

40 EUR

Denture repair

60 EUR

Denture repair after tooth extraction

79 EUR

Denture comfortable padding

86 EUR

Ot-cap insert change

85 EUR

Nightly bite guard

128 EUR

NTI-tss bite guard

283 EUR


166 EUR

Porcelain inlay-onlay

270 EUR

Belle-Glass inlay

270 EUR

Gold inlay-onlay (+gold price)

270 EUR

Telescopic crown

332 EUR

Crown stick back

63 EUR

Bridge stick back

75 EUR

Face curve bite registration

125 EUR

Periodontitis (periodontal disease, treatment of bleeding gums)

Paro Gold periodontal consultation package

30 EUR

Closed dental curettage per tooth

40 EUR

Closed dental curettage / quadrant

158 EUR

Open dental curettage / sextant (+emdogain)

267 EUR

Paro Gold dental hygiene package

94 EUR

Paro Gold quarterly control treatment

81 EUR

Paro Gold closed dental curettage per tooth

40 EUR

Paro Gold opened dental curettage per tooth (1-2 tooth)

120 EUR

Paediatric dentistry

Children’s dental consultation

18 EUR

Pediatric dentistry availability fee

18 EUR

Children’s oral hygiene preparation

30 EUR

Digital X-ray (intraoral x-ray)

19 EUR

Digital panoramic X-ray

30 EUR

3D Cone Beam CT + panoramic X-ray

53 EUR

Pit and fissure sealing

49 EUR

Extended pit and fissure sealing

67 EUR

Ozone therapy per tooth

24 EUR


27 EUR

Children’s tartar removal

50 EUR


19 EUR

Root canal open, pulpa removing

42 EUR

Milk tooth root canal filling

48 EUR

Milk tooth temporary root canal filling

48 EUR

Trepanated milk tooth cleaning

22 EUR

Root canal treatment flushes

20 EUR

Milk tooth extraction (tooth removal)

61 EUR

Milk tooth pulp removal

78 EUR

Milk tooth painting (per tooth)

18 EUR

Milk tooth fillings

61 EUR

Milk tooth temporary fillings

42 EUR

Permanent teeth fillings 1 surface

79 EUR

Permanent teeth fillings 2 surface

101 EUR

Permanent teeth fillings 3 surface

101 EUR


Conventional structured, fixed metal braces

490 EUR

Conventional structured, fixed porcelain braces

518 EUR

Conventional structured, fixed porcelain braces (mini)

654 EUR

Conventional structured, fixed sapphire braces

708 EUR

Soft forces operating, fixed metal braces

572 EUR

Soft forces operating, fixed porcelain braces

844 EUR

Invisible, removable, plastic, transparent braces (Clear Aligner) per jawbone

204 EUR

Removable braces

136 - 390 EUR

Control examination (orthodontics)

Fixed braces – monthly control examination

49 EUR

Fix retainer stick

82 EUR

Retaining device

68 EUR

Removable braces control examination

19 EUR

Invisible, inside of teeth (Invisible from outside), fixed braces monthly control examination

82 EUR

Palatal arch (for fixed braces, if required by the treatment plan)

123 EUR

Aesthetic arch (white) / piece

12 EUR


12 EUR

Orthodontic (braces) implant for hold teeth in stable position (if necessary) / piece

177 EUR

Removing appliance after the treatment

68 EUR

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