Contact Us

Contact Us

Dentistry Budapest

It is important for us to provide our patients with correct information regarding their treatment requirements. Send us your inquiry with as many details as possible, and we will respond immediately with further details on how we can help you to rebuild your dental health.


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  • Phone number with an english-speaking operator: + 36 1 361 1222
  • Address: 1114 Budapest, Móricz Zsigmond körtér 3/A mezzanine-floor 1. Hungary
  • E-mail:
  • Surgery Hours: Monday-Friday: 08.00-20.00    Saturday: 09.00-15.00
  • Approach by public transport - Móricz Dental Aesthetic Dentistry Budapest

Metro:      M4 – Móricz Zsigmond körtér metro station - exit F

Bus: 7; 27; 33; 240; 114, 214, 213

Tram:6; 17; 19; 41; 47; 47B; 48; 49; 56; 56A; 61


Free parking if you arrive by car

Close to Móricz Dental (1 minute by foot)  at Bartók's Office House (1117 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 43-47) garage parking is possible for up to several hours.  The cost of the time spent in our private parking – parking ticket on presentation – will be deducted from the price of the treatment.

General Information

In order to reduce waiting time, please call the telephone number above for an appointment or call on us in person.

During your first appointment we will perform a full dental health assessment and take X-rays of your teeth if necessary. Your general and dental case history and all previously performed interventions will be recorded in your patient file. This enables us to maintain appropriate control of the treatments performed in our surgery as the years pass by, and helps us to decide on further treatments. In the case of major and complicated treatments we ensure continuous consultation with and treatment by our specialist surgeons.

Your acute complaints are taken care of as soon as possible. For more complicated dental problems, our specialist will inform you of all the alternative treatments available, as well as the associated costs, the used materials, the treatment procedures and the expected duration of the treatment.

Please contact us with full confidence + 36 1 361 1222

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