In Móricz Dental we take responsibility for the quality of our work and guarantee our services for our customers. Our patients feel safe in our clinic because a 3+1 tier guarantee structure provides them peace of mind.
In our clinic we use only quality raw materials that exclusively come from a reliable source. These materials meet the strictest requirements of the European quality standards, they are qualified by ORKI (the Institute for Medical and Hospital Engineering in Hungary), and they ensure that the human body is protected as much as possible during dental treatments.
All dentists working in Móricz Dental Clinic continuously develop their expertise by participating in post-graduate trainings and professional dental conferences several times a year. This ensures that they can suggest state-of-the-art solutions when planning treatments.
Among our cooperating partners we only have dental technical laboratories that employ professional experts who ensure that your prosthesis will be manufactured from high-quality raw materials with modern, state-of-the-art technology (CAD/CAM). These professionals make sure that the prosthesis will meet the highest aesthetic standards.
We provide a much longer warranty on dental treatments performed in Móricz Dental Clinic than the warranty period stipulated by law. This is the way to ensure that in our clinic you to will have dental treatments without any risks.
When the treatment is finished, we provide you with a guarantee form that ensures that you can validate your warranty claim as completely as possible. In case an implant is placed, we provide you with a so-called ‘implant passport’ containing information about the type, the size and the place of the implant. With the help of this document, all competent dentists around the world can identify your implants and treat you even decades later.
*In case of implant insertion, warranty means that if a problem occurs (for instance, if an implant falls out or comes loose, although these events rarely happen because the success rate of implant placement in our clinic is no less than 98.3%), a new implant will be inserted for free. The price of abutments, implant prostheses (crowns and bridges) and travel costs are not covered.
Warranty terms and conditions:
Keep to all the specifications of your dentist concerning oral hygiene, Submit to the treatments suggested by your dentist within 30 days, Present yourself for a check-up every year, Pay any debts you may have to our clinic.
You can validate your warranty claim exclusively in Móricz Dental Clinic. In order to claim the warranty, call +36 1 361 12 22, write an e-mail to or contact us in person at H-1114 Budapest, Móricz Zsigmond Square 3/A mezzanine-floor 1. All treatments covered by the warranty are performed exclusively in Móricz Dental clinic. Móricz Dental is not liable to pay for treatments covered by the warranty if those treatments are performed in other dental surgeries.
The warranty does not cover the following:
If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental treatment, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.
Call us at phone number +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to with your questions, if you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send us it too.
Ismerje meg az implantációs fogászat előnyeit és folyamatait, amelyek tartós és esztétikus megoldást nyújtanak foghiányokra a Móricz Dental szakértőivel.
Tovább olvasomGyermekfogorvos árak és kezelések részletesen egy helyen, hogy könnyen átlásd a lehetőségeket és megtaláld a legjobb megoldást gyermekeid számára.
Tovább olvasomTudjon meg mindent a fogászati CT árakról Budapesten! Ismerje meg, milyen tényezők befolyásolják a költségeket, és miért válassza a Móricz Dentalt a precíz diagnosztikához.
Tovább olvasomProfi dentálhigiénikus szolgáltatás Budapesten a Móricz Dental Fogászati Klinikán! Fogkőeltávolítás, fogfehérítés és szájhigiénés tanácsadás a legmodernebb eszközökkel.
Tovább olvasomIsmerje meg a fogkorona típusok előnyeit és válassza az Önnek megfelelőt! A Móricz Dental modern technológiával és szakértelemmel segít visszanyerni mosolyát!
Tovább olvasom