Dental Clinic

Dental Clinic



Dental Clinic: Waiting room

We have created a waiting room where familiar comfort, soothing colours and shapes and a pleasant temperature controlled by air-conditioning provide a calming effect on our patients during the short time they spend there.

Dental Clinic: Our Dental Treatment Rooms

The treatment rooms in our dental clinic are air-conditioned. These rooms are pleasant and friendly without compromising hygiene requirements. To be able to provide our patients with the highest quality service, we have furnished our treatment rooms with modern chairs and dental equipment in accordance with European Union standards.


Treatment Units

Exclusive equipment, elegant design and trendsetting convenience ensure fluid work sequences and allow adequate expression of the dentist’s advanced techniques and skills.

Anatomically shaped soft upholstery ensures that the patient is in a relaxed position.


Our Dental Clinic: Your Safety is Paramount

We are very particular about cleanliness and sterility. Our procedures are in accordance with the standards set by the National Public Health and Medical Service and we get regular supervisory visits from the Institute.

At our dental clinic we use single-use, disposable personal protection equipment (rubber gloves, masks) and dental equipment (cups, saliva ejectors, napkins, syringes, needles etc.) in all possible cases.

The surface of the treatment unit that the patient and the surgeon come in contact with is disinfected after each patient. The inside of the suction apparatus is also regularly disinfected.

Sterile instruments and equipment undergo hot air sterilisation. We pay special attention to dangerous waste, which is carefully collected and disposed of in accordance with the regulations.



The Beyond Power Whitening System features the Beyond Whitening Accelerator. During the 30-minute Beyond procedure light and tooth whitening gel work together to gently penetrate your teeth breaking up stains and discoloration. As the tooth whitening gel is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and the dentin, bleaching coloured substances while keeping the structure of your teeth at the same time.  The result is that the colour of the teeth is restored to a beautiful, natural white.


X-RAY - Planmeca


Intraligamental Syringes

Ergonomic and technical syringes for all types of anaesthesia, especially intraligamental and intraseptal anaesthesia. These syringes feature a new, progressive mechanism which differs from the usual ratchet design and makes the injection very quiet and smooth; therefore it is less painful for the patient. A system of levers is used to reduce the force required to administer the injection.


The state-of-the-art Pluraject syringe is used to administer local anaesthesia.




Coronaflex - KAVO

Coronaflex is a state-of-the-art dental prosthesis removal system. With this intelligent technique, crowns, bridges and temporary prostheses are safely removed - and therefore can also be potentially reused. The process is efficient, short and painless.


Propex - Apex Locator - Maillefer

ProPex is a modern apex locator that uses multi-frequency technology to locate the apical foramen with great precision in any canal condition.


Endoflash - KAVO


Scaler - KAVO

KAVO scalers have slim tips for gentle and safe removal of hard supragingival tartar.


Prophyflex - KAVO

Fast and pain-free removal of plaque and discoloration Polishing after tartar removal Cleaning of the enamel before etching for subsequent fissure sealing Preparation of cavities for better bonding between enamel and filling material





Elipar FreeLight 2 LED curing Light - 3M ESPE

The Elipar FreeLight 2 LED curing Light from 3M ESPE is the latest advancement in LED curing technology. Ideal for composites, compomers, adhesives and light-cured glass ionomer materials, this next-generation, high-intensity universal light polymerization device is now built for speed.


Kavo intrasurg 300 plus


Dentaport ZX

If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental treatment, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.

Call us at phone number  +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to with your questions, if you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send us it too.

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The opinion of our patients

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