Dental implant procedure have become near-routine process. With the appropriate technical equipment and adequate professional skills these are painless, low-risk procedures.
In Móricz Dental Clinic, dental implant procedure has 6 simple and predictable steps:
Before the dental implant procedure, a full examination is performed. It is not the case that the examination focuses only on the oral cavity: your dentist also gives you a physical exam and assesses your entire health condition. The accurate diagnosis is set up on the basis of a panoramic X-ray or a 3D Computer Tomography image. The implantologist decides if your dental problem is treatable with implants or some other solution must be found.
Based on the diagnosis, your dentist makes a plan for the replacement of your missing tooth and prepares a treatment plan in cooperation with you. Using the treatment plan, we give you a written price quote that unambiguously shows the price of the whole dental implant procedure.
Prior to the operation the oral cavity has to be entirely free of bacteria. Your dentist performs all the necessary smaller treatments and also performs a dental hygienic treatment in order to create a clean, bacteria-free environment for a successful implant surgery.
The operation itself is carried out under local anaesthesia. As bone tissues have fewer nerve endings, the operation is entirely painless. After administering the anaesthetic, the dentist prepares the place of the artificial tooth root with a special surgical equipment. Afterwards the dentist places the implant with the previously designed width and length into the bone. If everything goes well, the placed implant is covered with a healing cap. Then, as the last step, the gum is closed in order to keep the implant isolated and to facilitate sterilized healing.
A healing period follows the operation. Depending your bone’s quality and your state of health, it takes 3 to 4 months. For this period, you get a temporary crown or bridge. The loadability of these temporary prostheses is low, but they allow you to eat and speak properly. In terms of aesthetics they are similar to the final tooth replacement.
After the healing period the abutment is placed on the implant. Within a week, an aesthetic and natural-looking tooth is prepared in the dental technician’s laboratory and it is placed on the abutment. Your dentist tries your new prosthesis on the abutment. In case it meets all your demands (comfort, functionality, colour, shape), it is fixed on the abutment. With this the dental implant procedure is completed. Naturally, we offer a warranty on the inserted implants and the final prostheses.
If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental implant procedure, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.
Call us at phone number +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to with your questions, if you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send us it too.
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