What is dental prosthesis?

What is dental prosthesis?

The implant supported dental prosthesis is the visible and tangible result that makes it worth undergoing the whole dental implant procedure. The primary function of the dental implant is to provide the right position and the stability of the new dental prosthesis.

What is  dental prosthesis?

The process of having dental prosthesis implanted

Once the implant is in place and the healing period is over. An abutment (a connecting element that looks like a tooth stump) is placed on or built into the implant. The bridge or a crown (depending on the number of missing teeth) is then placed on the abutment. With this step the dental implant procedure is completed.

Abutments get an aesthetic and natural-looking porcelain cover, giving the replacement teeth their final shape and colour. Similarly to abutments, dental prostheses can also be zirconia based or metal based.

In case the patient is toothless, there are various possible solutions. A fixed prosthesis requires 6-8 implants per jaw.It is possible to place either traditionally fixed (i.e. cement-retained) or screw-retained dental prosthesis on these implants. The indisputable benefit of the latter is that in case a correction becomes necessary. This type of prosthesis can be easily unscrewed without causing any damage.

The above mentioned fixed dental prosthesis are popular because they are as steadily fixed to the implants as natural teeth to the bone. They can support removable dentures.If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental treatment, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.
Call us at phone number  +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to info@moriczdental.hu with your questions. If you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send us it too.

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