Tooth replacement

Tooth replacement

Missing teeth often lead to the deterioration of healthy teeth,bone wasting, gingival problems. Worth to replace teeth by tooth replacement and implants.

What consequences may occur if you postpone having your dental prosthetics made for a long time?

Delay in the preparation of your tooth replacement is risky and causes annoyance in the long run. Of course, you will have a toothache in the worst moment. Example when you are preparing for the most important meeting or you are planning to go on holiday the next day with your family. This is just the way it goes. You can, however, avoid this scenario.

Dental consultation for tooth replacement

We recommend that you schedule an appointment at our clinic for a free medical consultation about the preparation of your tooth replacement as soon as possible. During this consultation your dentist will provide you with all the necessary information and recommend an ideal solution for your tooth replacement. Based on this information you will make a decision that suits your ideas and possibilities. Based on the data and the panoramic X-rays that you have sent us, we can send you a price-quote in advance.

In order to receive the price-quote, just send an e-mail to with your questions. If you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send it to us, too. Alternatively, you can call the following number: +36 1 / 361 - 1222.   Naturally, we will communicate with you in English.

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