Modern diagnosis of periodontal disease

Modern diagnosis of periodontal disease

With digital 3D Green CT, we can obtain accurate guidance as to the state of your teeth and the periodontal disease, we can set up an ideal treatment plan.

The diagnosis of periodontal disease has 5 steps, with each step based on the previous one


Examination of the oral cavity: in our clinic a periodontologist (a dentist specialized in periodontal diseases) examines all the risk factors that can cause periodontal disease.

  • Making a digital panoramic X-ray image. The X-ray image helps the periodontolgist to obtain an accurate picture of the factors that were not detectable during the examination of the oral cavity. Eg .: the degree of periodontal disease, the quality of the bony substance and the possibility of implantation... Dental hygienic and plaque examination.
  • The dentist examines the patient’s dental health.
  • The state of oral hygiene and the factors that can have an effect on the formation of dental plaque that can cause periodontal disease. Informing the patient.
  • The periodontologist informs the patent in detail about the rules of oral hygiene.
  • That help preventing periodontal disease and stop its progress.
  • The dentist also provides the patient with iPad animations and demonstration samples, giving a clear explanation of the present state of the teeth.
  • Giving a price-quote and preparing a treatment plan that leads to the solution of the problem. After getting a clear picture of the state of your teeth and taking into consideration your living conditions.
  • We prepare a clear and easy-to-understand treatment plan that lays out the appropriate process of your treatment.
  • We give you a price-quote so that you will be aware of the exact cost of your treatment.


If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental treatment, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.

Call us at phone number  +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to with your questions. If you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send us it too.

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