If you chose Hungary, the European ‘major power’ in dentistry, as the destination country for the dental treatments you want to have, it is important for you to feel safe. The first condition for a sense of security is to be well informed. It is important for Móricz Dental to provide you comfort and safety throughout the period of your treatment, since you have honoured us with your confidence. One of the keystones of a safe environment is to provide an adequate level of comprehensible patient information.
We provide the opportunity for patients arriving at our clinic to familiarize themselves with their future dentist and the environment where their treatment will be performed. Patients can get acquainted with the physical environment of the clinic without any costs or risks. During the consultation the patient’s problems are identified; then the patient gets information about certain aspects of the problem and the available alternative solutions.
During the explanation of the alternatives, the dentist describes exactly what kind of treatment is needed, how long it takes to perform the treatment, how much it costs, and what outcomes can be expected.
Based on the chosen alternatives, a treatment plan is made. This makes the process predictable.
You dentist uses as many visual aids as possible to make the future treatment clear:
To make the costs calculable, at the end of the consultation you get a written price-quote including: The exact name of all the necessary treatments Exact quantitative information (for instance, how many teeth have to be extracted, how many implants have to be placed) How many times you should come back before the treatment is fully finished? How much the individual treatments cost and how much the whole treatment costs?
If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental treatment, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.
Call us at phone number +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to info@moriczdental.hu with your questions, if you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send us it too.
Profi dentálhigiénikus szolgáltatás Budapesten a Móricz Dental Fogászati Klinikán! Fogkőeltávolítás, fogfehérítés és szájhigiénés tanácsadás a legmodernebb eszközökkel.
Tovább olvasomIsmerje meg a fogkorona típusok előnyeit és válassza az Önnek megfelelőt! A Móricz Dental modern technológiával és szakértelemmel segít visszanyerni mosolyát!
Tovább olvasomSzájsebész magánrendelés a Móricz Dental Fogászaton: korszerű technológia, fájdalommentes kezelések, altatásos lehetőség és empatikus szakértői csapat várja!
Tovább olvasomIsmerje meg az ultrahangos fogkő leszedés előnyeit! Gyors, fájdalommentes kezelés a tiszta és egészséges fogakért a Móricz Dentálban. Foglaljon időpontot most!
Tovább olvasomProfesszionális dentálhigiéniai kezelések a Móricz Dentalban: egészségesebb, tisztább fogak, friss lehelet. Foglaljon időpontot még ma a ragyogó mosolyért!
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