Which type of prosthesis to choose? Which one is ideal for you: a fixed, cement-retained tooth replacement or a screw-retained one?

Which type of prosthesis to choose? Which one is ideal for you: a fixed, cement-retained tooth replacement or a screw-retained one?

Fixed implant tooth replacement is a comfortable and readily available solution which treats satisfactorily the problem of missing teeth:

Nowadays there is a broad range of dental implant tooth replacements to choose from. This provides flexible options for you so that you can make the best decision. In case you need a tooth replacement placed on implants, you may choose from the following options:

  • A cement-retained replacement is glued in place and is fixed on your implant.
  • This is a very stable and cost-effective solution but it does not allow for making corrections easily later on if this becomes necessary.
  • A screw-retained tooth replacement is screwed into your implant.
  • These prostheses are also very stable.
  • Screw fixation provides easy access to the tooth replacement, so these prostheses have the advantage that corrections can be easily made in the future.

Complete replacement of one single tooth

Before implantation, replacement required burring of the teeth next to the tooth replacement, as these two teeth provided stability for the replacement. This meant that two healthy teeth had to be ‘sacrificed’ to replace one. It was not possible to stably place the tooth replacement in any other way. Dental implantation has changed this completely.

Now an implant replaces the missing tooth and a suitable crown or bridge is placed on the implant. With this technique the dental arch can be complete again without damaging even a single healthy tooth.

Replacement of missing teeth at the end of the row

Before implantation, a fixed bridge could only be prepared if the last tooth in the row was not missing, because that tooth provided the stability of the bridge. Without it bridges could not be fixed and only a removable tooth replacement was possible.

Today this is not a problem any longer. Implantation is able to replace even the last tooth and its root in a row. It is therefore possible to prepare a bridge from multiple parts in a fixed way. The rear pillar tooth and the missing front tooth at the other end of the bridge can be replaced by implants, which allows for a fixed tooth replacement to be prepared. A missing tooth at the end of the row is not a problem anymore.

Successful treatment of complete tooth loss with dental implantation

Before implantation became possible, complete tooth loss could only be treated with a removable tooth replacement. This could not provide the comfortable and safe solution that patients wished for, and it was not quite aesthetic-looking either.

Nowadays there are several options to choose from in order to treat complete tooth loss. The preferred solution depends on the patient’s personal taste and needs.


Preparation of a fixed circular bridge tooth replacement by multiple tooth implantation

Even in the case of complete tooth loss, most people dislike the idea of having a removable tooth replacement. Thanks to the technology of dental implantation, now there is an ideal solution for them, too.

When the problem is complete tooth loss, but the patient does not want a removable tooth replacement, it is possible to prepare a fixed circular bridge. In order to do this, it is necessary to implant 6–8 teeth; this provides perfect stability for the circular bridge.

Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to prepare a replacement that ensures a beautiful row of teeth even in the case of complete tooth loss. These implants look very natural and show maximum similarity to the original teeth.

An implanted circular bridge is completely stable and has excellent loadability; it has the same functionality as real teeth.

If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental treatment, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.
Call us at phone number  +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to info@moriczdental.hu with your questions, if you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send us it too.

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