During my career as an orthodontist I have had the opportunity to learn orthodontics for adults and children from professors in Hungary and abroad. I have been working as an orthodontist in private dental clinics for 8 years. In addition, first as a resident, and later as a qualified orthodontist, I have been providing orthodontic treatment for children in hospital-owned practice (Department of Orthodontics) for 9 years.
It is very important for me to start children’s orthodontic treatment at an early age. We can use removable orthodontic appliances to avoid the development of different jaw-bone diseases that could later lead to tooth extraction or oral surgery. Regarding orthodontics for adults, I try to understand and solve the problems of my patients. I aim to achieve a good masticatory function with the treatments, as this is essential for keeping the teeth and the tissues surrounding the teeth healthy in the long run. I place great emphasis on choosing the most appropriate orthodontic appliances in cooperation with the patient, taking into consideration both aesthetics and functionality. As orthodontics is a field of dentistry that develops quite fast, it is important for me to develop my knowledge day by day.
Therefore I regularly participate in various dental courses in Hungary and abroad. I am a member of the Association of Hungarian Orthodontists and the Hungarian Medical Chamber. I speak English and German. I really enjoy my job. I come from a dentist family, so I have been fascinated by this profession from an early age on. When I was a child, I told my parents that I wanted to be an orthodontist. At the time I didn’t really know what that term means, and I couldn’t foresee how much joy this profession would give me in the future.
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Tovább olvasomIsmerje meg az implantációs fogászat előnyeit és folyamatait, amelyek tartós és esztétikus megoldást nyújtanak foghiányokra a Móricz Dental szakértőivel.
Tovább olvasomGyermekfogorvos árak és kezelések részletesen egy helyen, hogy könnyen átlásd a lehetőségeket és megtaláld a legjobb megoldást gyermekeid számára.
Tovább olvasomTudjon meg mindent a fogászati CT árakról Budapesten! Ismerje meg, milyen tényezők befolyásolják a költségeket, és miért válassza a Móricz Dentalt a precíz diagnosztikához.
Tovább olvasomProfi dentálhigiénikus szolgáltatás Budapesten a Móricz Dental Fogászati Klinikán! Fogkőeltávolítás, fogfehérítés és szájhigiénés tanácsadás a legmodernebb eszközökkel.
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