Doctor of Dental and Oral diseases – conservative dentistry, prosthetic dentistry, implantology
Specialty: implantology, dental surgery, prosthetics
I graduated in 1994 from the Faculty of Dentistry at SOTE Medical University in Budapest. As a dentist I worked for the University’s Department of Prosthodontics for 6 years. During this time I also did scientific research and I taught prosthodontics for university students. Since 1998 I have been working for the Dental Surgery Department of Honvéd Hospital, and I have also developed my knowledge of implantology at the Dental Surgery Department of SOTE Medical University. My spheres of interest are prosthodontics and implantology.
In the past decade I have gained experience in placing Nobel Biocare Replace, Active, Conical Connection and Alpha Bio implants as well as in computer-guided implantation of Nobel Guide and Procera prostheses over implants made with CAD/CAM technology. I have performed more than 1000 successful dental implantation procedures. I am proud that we can provide patients with dental services using the latest techniques and procedures, a fact also appreciated by our foreign patients.
Naturally, I have been working at the clinic since it was established. I follow the latest developments in dental techniques and procedures and I apply them in my work.
I aim to offer solutions that meet my patients’ demands, and, at the same time, provide a satisfying outcome in harmony with the whole dentition; that is, my aim is to provide a permanent solution in terms of both aesthetics and functionality. In addition to releasing satisfied patients, it is essential for me as a dentist to convince the patients to come back for a check-up. I go to great lengths to make sure that my patients feel good about the treatments. Thereby I aim to constantly increase the reputation of Móricz Dental, a clinic that provides dental services for thousands of patients.
As a father of two, I do not have much free time, but I spend the available free time usefully. My sons are football players with contracts, which keeps us busy. My favourite hobby is sailing in Lake Balaton and in the sea. I enjoy reading historical novels and walking our weimaraner dog, Vackor. When I was young I used to play football, but nowadays I play tennis instead. Traveling and hiking play an important role in our lives; we have a lot of nice plans for the future.
Ismerje meg az implantációs fogászat előnyeit és folyamatait, amelyek tartós és esztétikus megoldást nyújtanak foghiányokra a Móricz Dental szakértőivel.
Tovább olvasomGyermekfogorvos árak és kezelések részletesen egy helyen, hogy könnyen átlásd a lehetőségeket és megtaláld a legjobb megoldást gyermekeid számára.
Tovább olvasomTudjon meg mindent a fogászati CT árakról Budapesten! Ismerje meg, milyen tényezők befolyásolják a költségeket, és miért válassza a Móricz Dentalt a precíz diagnosztikához.
Tovább olvasomProfi dentálhigiénikus szolgáltatás Budapesten a Móricz Dental Fogászati Klinikán! Fogkőeltávolítás, fogfehérítés és szájhigiénés tanácsadás a legmodernebb eszközökkel.
Tovább olvasomIsmerje meg a fogkorona típusok előnyeit és válassza az Önnek megfelelőt! A Móricz Dental modern technológiával és szakértelemmel segít visszanyerni mosolyát!
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