Dr. Ildikó Sas dentist and prosthetic dentistry

Dr. Ildikó Sas dentist

Conservative dentistry and prosthetic dentistry

Specialties: prosthodontics, aesthetic dentistry

Dr. Ildikó Sas dentist

I graduated in 2003 from the Faculty of Dentistry at SOTE Medical University in Budapest. I did my two-year residency at the Dental Prosthetics Clinic of SOTE. The time I spent there had a great effect on my professional development. My professional interests include different types of fixed and removable prostheses and prostheses over implants.

As a specialist I worked at Kelenföldi Dental Centre. I joined the team of Móricz Dental Aesthetic and Implant Centre when the clinic opened and I have been working here ever since. At present, I work as a specialist in conservative and aesthetic dentistry and prepare dental prostheses. I speak French, English and German.

It is important for me to reduce the stress and anxiety of my patients, so I devote time to listening to their complaints and answering their questions. In addition, I do everything in my power to make the treatments painless. I always inform my patients about all the possibilities and the advantages of the different solutions, and I take into consideration their personal viewpoint in order to achieve the best possible results. I place great emphasis on doing my work with precision. This applies not only to the treatments, but also to prevention and regular check-ups.

I owe a lot to my consistent upbringing and my parents’ love. Family is really important to me. In my free time I like doing gardening, cooking, travelling and learning different languages. In recent years, we have gotten into playing cards with our friends. I like doing sports; lately I have mostly been running and doing yoga. My husband and I also like going skiing in winter.

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