Dr. Ágnes Sinka dentist

Dr. Ágnes Sinka dentist

Doctor of Dental and Oral diseases – conservative dentistry and prosthetic dentistry

Specialty: endodontics, conservative dentistry, prosthetic dentistry

Dr. Ágnes Sinka dentist

After graduating from the Faculty of Dentistry at SOTE Medical University in Budapest in 2001, I started working in a well-equipped private clinic in Budaörs, where I also gained an insight into orthodontics. As a result of this experience, I also always consider orthodontic viewpoints when I prepare the treatment plan for my patients.

After the years spent in Budaörs, I worked in Madách Dental Clinic, where I had the opportunity to treat patients under general anaesthesia and I also treated foreign patients. I speak English.

Móricz Dental is a fantastic place for me not only because the clinic is beautiful, but also because of the modern equipment, materials and techniques that support my professional development.

I prefer working in the field of conservative dentistry; I especially like performing root canal treatments. However, I also like preparing prostheses with state-of-the-art techniques and metal-free materials.

It is really important to me to have a nice atmosphere during the treatments and to treat my patients in such a way that they are happy to come back. The most important thing is to see my patients smile with satisfaction after a successful root canal treatment or a nice tooth filling, and to get positive feedback from them. This gives me strength and momentum in my work.

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