Dental surgery

Dental surgery

Dental surgery is a correction of disease which requires surgical intervention. Eg. wisdom teeth or tooth-root removal, dental implant.

Removal of wisdom teeth

In case a tooth has to be removed for whatever reason, in most cases, it can be taken by its crown and removed with forceps. If this process is impossible for some reason, then the tooth has to be removed by dental surgery.

In all cases when a tooth is situated under the gum or in the bone, the tooth at issue has to be removed by dental surgery. In most cases, wisdom teeth that are not able to erupt have to be removed by dental surgery. The eruption can be blocked as a result of lack of space or tooth displacement in the jaw. Another frequent case is when the wisdom tooth erupts partially. That is, the crown can partially erupt, but the rest of the tooth surface is still covered by mucous membrane. In the course of time, this becomes painful for the patient. In such a case surgical intervention is required, since it is necessary to help the wisdom tooth to fully erupt.

Do You Need to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

If the wisdom tooth is not removed in time, the mucous membrane might become inflamed, so it might became painful, too. This is the reason why the eruption of the wisdom tooth can cause serious pain. This process is not natural; if it occurs, surgical intervention is required.

Wisdom teeth can also cause problems creating crowding in the dental arch. It causes a disorder of the teeth, since other teeth shift. This is a fact that must be considered before orthodontic treatments, too. In case the lack of space is the result of crowding, the wisdom tooth has to be removed. Not paying attention to dental crowding may have not only aesthetic effects, but it can cause gingival inflammation, too. Another important aspect of the problem is that if the wisdom tooth causes a crowing in the dental arch, there is a greater chance for tooth decay.

Surgical interventions are performed under local anaesthesia, so the treatments are painless. After local anaesthesia dental exploratory surgery first focuses on the groove, and then the bone around the tooth is removed. The next step is the removal of the tooth. Finally the dental surgeon sutures the surface of the wound.

Bone grafting

If you have an edentulous area for too long, the bone might recess, so its quantity is not good enough for the safe placement of an implant. In the abovementioned cases the bone extenuates and it becomes partially absorbed. As a result, bone grafting is required before the placement of the implant.

First of all, a panoramic X-ray is taken or a CT scan is performed so that your dentist can chart the loss of the bone. These images help the dentist decide whether you need bone grafting or not. In our clinic a „Green” (Green technology) 3D CT and a panoramic X-ray machine are in operation. These have the advantage that the image can be taken within a short time (5.9 seconds), so the machines burden the human body as little as possible.

Bone grafting is a dental surgery intervention which involves filling the existing bony substance with some type of bone replacement material. The type of this replacement material is determined by the circumstances. In dental surgery synthetic bone, animal-derived grafts or a bone from another arena of the body are possible replacement materials.

If the bone that is to be grafted comes from another part of the body. It might be taken from the thicker part of the jawbone or from the hip bone, depending on the quantity of the bone in the abovementioned areas. These dental surgery interventions are more complicated because in certain cases there is no other possibility for grafting, and grafting is essential for implantation.

Sinus lift

In case the roots of the teeth in the upper jaw reach into the maxillary sinus, the loss of bone resulting from tooth loss is more significant. Upper-posterior molar teeth require a sinus lift if there is only a thin bone stratum between the maxillary stratum and the oral cavity where the implant should be placed.

In these cases the insertion of the implant into the upper-jaw bone can be performed only after the bone grafting material has been placed between the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus and the bone.

If in the course of sinus lift only a small quantity of bone grafting material has to be inserted. In this case, bone grafting and the insertion of the implant can be performed at the same time.

If there is a significant bone loss, then ossification lasts half a year. The next step, the placement of the implant, can be performed only after the healing period.

Bone grafting interventions are intraoral and are usually performed under local anaesthesia. The abovementioned dental surgery interventions are not straining for patients. Weak pain may occur after the operation, but it stops if the patient adheres to the dental surgeon’s orders. These orders are also essential for the success of the ossification process. The dental surgeon informs patients about the recommended course of action in detail.

If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental treatment, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.
Call us at phone number +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to with your questions. If you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send us it too.

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