Aesthetical Prostheses and Crowns

Aesthetical Prostheses and Crowns


As time is passing there is a growing chance that your teeth will get sick. This may have genetic reasons. Still in many cases the food we take or the lack of proper dental care cause the development of tooth decay. As long as decay affects only a small area of the tooth we can get away with a filling. however, if a large part of the tooth is damaged, we have to think about dental prostheses. We definitely need a dental prosthesis because the ability to chew is diminishing during our meals. Speech disorders can also occur due to the alteration of the sound. Our face may change and this may result in mental health problems.

The good news is that dentistry science is at a very high level in the production of modern prostheses. We dispose of superb materials such as metal-free zirconium (also known as zirconium) or press ceramic prostheses.

These satisfy very high aesthetic needs and restore our chewing ability almost completely. Last but not least, they are affordable because their prices differ slightly from traditional solutions. The fabrication technology of prostheses has also changed dramatically over the last few years and continues developing day by day. Today, the majority of modern prostheses is produced using so-called CAD / CAM (computer-designed and computer-controlled machining) technology. They are fabricated with a per thousand mm accuracy and are completely natural looking, confusingly resembling our own healthy teeth.

The types of prostheses are different. Their application depends on the individual circumstances that the condition of the patient’s oral cavity provides. The type of a prosthesis can be a crown, a bridge, and removable prostheses. There are several types that can be chosen depending on which solution will be the most effective.

Nowadays we fabricate life-like, natural-looking types of dental fittings, independently if those are crowns, bridges, or removable prostheses.

Possibilities of aesthetic prostheses

Our patients often do not deal with the issue of tooth deficiency sufficiently seriously. If it does not cause aesthetic disadvantage for the patient, then time passing between the loss of the tooth and its replacement will take years. Prostheses are not only really important for aesthetic reasons because this is what also determines the proper chewing ability.

Aesthetical Prostheses and Crowns

It is also an important aspect that due to the tooth deficiency, the unity of the dentition is disrupted, which then leads to further disorders.

The remaining teeth move away due to the tooth deficiency, and as a result the later the prosthesis gets in place of the missing tooth, the more difficult and complicated it is to restore the original condition.

It often happens that patients delay the implementation of the prosthesis. They are feeling afraid of being left without teeth for days until the final dental restoration is completed. Often, it becomes clear for them only during the treatment or at the design phase, that we provide plastic temporary crowns or bridges for every patient in our clinic. Therefore that they would not be excluded from the outside world even for one day.


How can You get your dental prostheses?

Since you have a wide range of options for your prostheses, we strongly recommend that you consult a qualified professional. Get all the possible solutions with clear information and visual presentation.

At Móricz Dental we would like to make this process easier for you and provide you with a consultation opportunity. Here you can obtain all the information you need about your most ideal prosthesis. Call +36 1 3611 222 and request to consult a dentist who is expert in the topic of prostheses.

Aesthetical Prostheses and Crowns - Móricz Dental


Solo Crowns

The superstructure that is designed to cover a single tooth is called a crown. It serves primarily defense purposes, and to increase the aesthetics of a potentially damaged tooth.

The crown is a durable type of prosthesis that reaches the edge of the gum. It sits on circular shoulders grinded in the material of the tooth. There is no visible transition between the prosthesis and the tooth. The crown can be made of a variety of materials, including ceramics, zirconium, metal ceramics, and plastic, the basic material of temporary crowns.

Very often, the patient’s teeth are so fragmented that the tooth’s crown part can no longer be used to attach the prosthesis. In this case there is also a possibility to maintain the root of the tooth. In such a case, after treating the root canal, a root shaped artificial stump can be attached to the root, which is very similar to a grinded tooth stump. This already allows the crown to be fixed even in the case of heavily destroyed, destructed teeth.


Full porcelain crown

The full porcelain crown is a prosthesis that is completely metal-free, and is also known as Jacket Crown.

This dental restoration meets even the highest aesthetic requirements. It is very similar to the original tooth and can also be used for patients suffering from metal allergy. The only disadvantage of the full porcelain dental restoration is that its bending strength is unsufficient to make a bridge. Only a solo crown can be fabricated of porcelain, it is not suitable for the replacement of several juxtaposed teeth.


Metal-free zirconium ceramic crown made with CAD / CAM technology

The dental prosthesis known as the zirconium crown, is the most modern solution nowadays for making life-like dental prosthetics. Zirconium dioxide is a completely metal-free raw material. Regarding its aesthetics, a perfectly natural looking tooth restoration can be fabricated from it. It is made with computer-controlled technology to ensure parts per thousand mm accuracy and convenience.

Compared to the porcelain crown, the advantage of the zirconium crown is that its bending strength is bigger. It reaches the level by which a bridge can also be made from it. Zirconium dioxide is essentially white and is as transparent as the natural tooth. As a result, it provides a perfect restoration solution in aesthetic dentistry.

If you are interested in more information about zirconium restoration, please read our articles about the zirconium crown.

Metal ceramic crown

The metal ceramic crown is the most widely used type of prosthesis. This is mainly due to it being a less expensive solution than full ceramic crowns.

The metal ceramic crown is called porcelain crown in the common language, although it is not entirely made of porcelain. This is a dental restoration fabricated from porcelain and burned on a thin metal frame. Only the porcelain veneer is visible, that completely covers the metal. The color of the masking material is selected using a tooth-color key. Therefore it can be fully aligned with the color of the original teeth.

The metal ceramic dental restoration is very durable, but it is behind the full ceramic and zirconium crown in terms of aesthetics. Even by choosing the appropriate masking colour, it is not always able to give a true-to-life imitation of original teeth.

Aesthetical Prostheses and Crowns - Móricz Dental Dentistry


A temporary crown made with CAD / CAM technology

The primary purpose of the temporary crown is to serve as a crown for a shorter time until the final crown is completed.

Whatever dental prosthesis is needed, you usually have to wait a few days to complete the final crown’s body. In any case, we make sure that the patient is not left without teeth a single day. In this case, we fabricate a plastic crown, which is not a permanent prosthesis, it does not function as a complete crown body. It only provides a temporary solution for the days until the final prosthesis is completed.

These dental restorations are made with computer-controlled technology, so they often rival the aesthetics and comfort of the final crowns. They enable to live a full life also in this temporary period, being able to smile, eat and drink easily.



When several adjacent tooth deficiencies occur, the bridge prosthesis is the solution that makes the most sense. Bridges, like crowns, can be made of several materials, and they can also have different fixing methods.

In most cases, the bridge is fixed on the end teeth that limit the teeth deficiency, and this provides the appropriate support. This has the disadvantage that the teeth near the tooth deficiency are grinded to be used as pillars for the prosthesis.

The bridge fixed to an implant is a much simpler, more stable solution. This does not require grinding the adjacent teeth because the implant provides support for the bridge.


Zirconium ceramic bridge made with CAD / CAM technology

The use of zirconium dioxide has brought a major change in the field of dental restoration. It has made a much stronger, more stable base material available than before.

Prior to zirconium crowns there was no possibility to make a complete ceramic bridge. The old materials used were not strong and stable enough to withstand the pressure on the bridge. Therefore, in the case of bridges, the only option to consider was metal ceramics. In some cases meant aesthetic disadvantages, because it was not able to provide a true imitation of the teeth.

The zirconium bridge similarly to the zirconium crown, is a superstructure that is completely metal-free. Thanks to its transparency, a completely realistic looking tooth replacement can be made from it. It can get support even from the adjacent teeth, but it can also be placed on an implant. This is especially advantageous if there is a condition of a tooth deficiency at the end of the line.

You can read more about the zirconium bridge in the articles about zirconium crowns.


Metal-ceramic bridge

In terms of bridges, the ceramic bridge is the most widespread solution because of its strong and durable superstructure. It has a metal frame on which the ceramic veneer is burned.

Before the development of zirconium crowns, the only possible option was to restore the tooth deficiency of several adjacent teeth. The material of older ceramic crowns was not suitable for fabricating bridges. Its bending strength did not reach the extent that the bridge could withstand the pressure.

Despite its many advantages, the metal-ceramic bridge has the disadvantage that it is not suitable for the restoration of a completely life-true dental prosthesis. Besides of this, for some patients a metal allergy a metal-ceramic bridge may cause problems.


Temporary bridge made with CAD / CAM technology

The temporary bridge is fabricated to prevent the patient from remaining without prosthesis until the final superstructure is completed.

No one has to suffer even one day due to the lack of teeth, as this can be a major barrier to daily routine. During the fabrication of prostheses, the patient receives a temporary plastic bridge until the final prosthesis is completed. This is the function of the plastic bridge.


Complete restoration of a single missing tooth

Before implantation, we had to grind the teeth next to it when a tooth was restored. Those two teeth gave stability to the prosthesis. This meant that two healthy teeth had to be “sacrificed” to restore a single tooth. Otherwise the stable fixation of the prosthesis was not possible. However, this has changed radically with dental implantation.

The lost tooth is nowadays already replaced by an implant, which can then be restored by the appropriate crown. Thus, the dental arch is completed in such a way that no existing healthy tooth is damaged.


Restoration of the line-end missing teeth

In pre-implantation times, a fixed bridge could only be made if the line-end tooth was not missing. This provided the possibility of the bridge’s stability, without which it was not feasible  to fix the bridge.

This is not a problem anymore today as dental implantation can replace the line-end tooth or its root. This enables to fabricate a multi-unit bridge in a fixed manner. Implants are placed into the place of the rear pillar tooth. Implants are also placed in tha place of the first tooth deficiency at the other end of the bridge. Thus, fixed bridge restoration can be completed without the problem of end-line tooth deficiency.


Successful treatment of fully edentulous patients by dental implantation

In the past, only removable dentures without fixation were available to restore the total tooth deficiency. This did not provide the convenient and safe dental restoration that patients wanted and was not too aesthetic either.

There are several options available for fully edentulous patients as well. It is up to the patient’s individual taste and needs to decide which solution to prefer.


Removable prosthesis fixed by implantation

In this case, 2 to 4 dental implantations are required, which ensure the stability and complete fixation of the removable denture. There is no disadvantageat all for the user in terms of chewing and speaking. Removable prostheses should only be removed when the part under the prosthesis is due to be cleaned.

Removable dental prosthesis provides stable anchorage through dental implantation so that it will not move or become loose at all, during use. This results in a significant improvement in the quality of life for fully edentulous patients.


Fabrication of a fixed circular bridge prosthesis by multiple dental implantation

Even in the case of fully edentulous patients, most people, for obvious reasons, are reluctant to accept removable prostheses. Today, there is also an ideal solution for them thanks to dental implantation technology. If a person is fully edentulous but does not want removable prostheses, then a fixed circular bridge prosthesis can be made for him. This requires the implantation of 6 to 8 teeth to ensure perfect stability for the circular bridge.

Thanks to modern technology, such superstructures can be made that allow the fully edentulous patient to get a beautiful denture. These prostheses do not produce any unnatural effect, they show the greatest resemblance to the original teeth.

As thank to dental implantation the circular bridge is fully stable and loadable. The whole superstructure has the functionally complete value of the natural teeth.


Removable prostheses

In Hungary, a removable dental prosthesis is still causes resistence in the majority of people. The aesthetically pleasing, more comfortable and functionally better working prostheses compared to earlier times’ removable dental prostheses.

Removable prostheses may be complete or partial and may be different in terms of their fixation method as well. Usually the number and position of remaining teeth determines which solution will be most ideal for the patient.


Complete removable prosthesis

In the case of a fully edentulous patient, a complete removable prosthesis is required. It can be a conventional, non-anchored prosthesis, but removable prostheses fixed to implants are  more convenient.

Contrary to the possibility of a circular bridge attached to implants, removable prostheses require much less implants. Therefore, it sometimes offers the patient a much more cost effective and faster solution.

The implantation of 2 to 4 implants is sufficient to properly fix a complete removable prosthesis. Therefore it should only be removed from the mouth during cleaning. The prosthesis made in this way is very stable, is not loose and does not cause any inconvenience to the user.


Partial removable prosthesis

The advantage of a partial removable prosthesis is that it offers the possibility of replacing several missing teeth without dental or oral surgery.

When the number and position of existing teeth is not sufficient to fabricate a fixed prosthesis, the partial removable prosthesis provides a solution. A high level solution could be the one anchored by press studs. In such a case, the existing teeth are completed by  crowns. One half of the press stud is attached to these crowns, while the counterpart of the press studs is anchored to the removable prosthesis. By this it can be attached or removed.

This tiny precision mechanic anchorage is positioned under the denture so that it is not visible at all. This makes the removable prostheses stable, aesthetic, and well-suited to the patient’s use.

If you do not want to use removable prostheses, ask for a fixed or circular bridge prosthesis attached by implants. Read more about this in the articles about prostheses attached to implants.

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