During dental consultation your dentist estimate the state of your teeth, prepare a dental treatment plan and make an offer in written.
The first step of a successful dental treatment is in every case a consultation with one of our well prepared dental specialists.
At Móricz Dental, the price of the first dental consultation is fully deducted from the first dental treatment’s price. (eg. X-rays, oral hygiene treatment, filling…). You only need to call the number +36 1 3611 222 stating that you wish to attend a dental consultation.
To obtain precise information about a dental problem and to be able to develop an ideal treatment plan we need some basic information about your current health condition.
Therefore first we ask you to fill in a so called „anamnesis form” before the dental consultation. Here we ask only health-related questions that may influence the development of your dental treatment plan.
This form can be completed in one minute’s time.
One of the key corner stones of successful treatments is that the dental specialist consulting with you receives a clear picture about the state of your teeth and the surroundings of your teeth.
A precise diagnosis is specially important in the case of placing implants, bone reconstruction treatments, other oral surgery treatments, treatments of diseases of the parodontium, root channel treatments, orthodontics and examinations searching for the source of infections.
In most cases even at a simple dental consultation or state of health check the need for taking X-ray images arises. As also the previously done dental treatments’ results can be reviewed based on these.
At Móricz Dental there is a new technology making digital diagnostics complete: a 3D digital panoramic X-ray machine with built in Cone Beam CT by Vatech Pax. This modern diagnostic tool built on green technology enables setting up the most precise diagnosis and planning customised treatments.
The CT scan shows the full spatial mapping of the patient’s teeth and bone tissues surrounding the teeth. During the CT scan the radiation source and the sensor create the images rotating around the head of the patient. The software then transforms these images into a series of slices. All of which practically contain the patient’s teeth and bones around the teeth’s complete spatial mapping.
From this data set, we can gain images used during diagnostics with the help of a software.
A successful dental treatment begins with a specialist consultation in every case. Móricz Dental ensures that you receive this possibility.
In line with the philosophy of Móricz Dental, it is also important for us to develop a quality human relationship in addition to the classic doctor-patient relationship. Therefore the ideal solution can be reached easier while keeping the confidence.
Once we obtained the information from X-rays and examinations, the consulting specialist will inform you in detail and clearly about your dental problems to be treated. You will discuss the ideal solutions to those, according to your wishes and in line with your possibilities.
If necessary, your dental specialist will take digital oral camera or high resolution photos of you. This will help to uncover areas that are hard to see with the naked eye. The oral camera is a small, rod-shaped camera that instantly projects the given area onto a monitor, enlarged so that the teeth can be observed perfectly. Oral camera recordings allow both your dental specialist and you to closely monitor the dental problem.
Thanks to modern technology, during the dental consultation your dental specialist will be able to examine and show you your entire denture and its enlarged details on the monitor even before you start treatment.
The oral camera can easily detect any defects in the mouth. The image can be enlarged to reveal to the smallest detail any dental plaque, gingivitis, tooth decay, broken or discoloured teeth, deteriorations of the tooth neck, receding gums, dental crowns that are no longer fitting on the tooth neck, missing teeth, old dental fillings needing replacement and the condition of our dental fittings.
At the end of the dental treatment, you will be able to see the positive change in the affected teeth: new tooth filling, dental crown or dental inlay. The pre-treatment condition of your teeth can also be reviewed so you can be reassured that the dental treatment has been successful and that it has a visible aesthetic result.
After the oral examination, the next step in diagnostics is the stomato-oncology screening, which is actually a dental cancer screening. Very few people are aware that different type of cancers can occur in the oral cavity just as they do in the rest of the body. Therefore, a complete health condition check is a very important step in diagnostics. This can be caused by a neglected condition, but also smoking and excessive alcohol consumption increase the chances of cancer.
Stomato-oncology screening allows early detection of cancerous lesions even at an early stage. At this point, there are still more treatment options available than later. This is one of the reasons why regular annual dental specialist check-ups and diagnostics are very important.
When you arrive to the dental consultory with an acute problem and toothache, you will receive proper treatment immediately after a quick diagnosis. Dental consultation for the long-term planning is done after the urgent problem is resolved.
Diagnostic results nowadays provide information not only to the dental specialist but also the problem will be presented in detail to you. This makes the choice between the options easier. In addition, after the diagnosis, the dental specialist will make you aware of the importance of focusing on tooth retention treatments and from this point of view, choosing the types of treatment. A few years ago this did not get so much emphasis. Tooth retention was not the primary purpose of dentistry, but diagnostic capabilities were not as extensive either. Today, both the dentist and the patient are in a much easier situation.
A dental consultation provides an excellent opportunity for you to define your existing dental problems and to get closer to a permanent and aesthetic solution.
Call the number +36 1 3611 222 and ask for an appointment for a consultation where you can learn all details about your dental problem.
We look forward to welcoming you
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