Crowns and bridges

Crowns and bridges

Crowns and bridges are permanent tooth replacements. In our clinic, we routinely make lifelike, natural looking crowns and bridges or removable prosthesis.

Dental crowns and bridges are secure way to restore your smile

A crown is a tooth replacement that covers a single tooth, primarily to protect it and to make a potentially damaged tooth look more aesthetic. A bridge is intended to replace several teeth in a row. Crowns and bridges are permanent tooth replacements that extend to the edge of the gingiva. They sit in the material of the tooth so there is no visible border between the replacement and the tooth. Crowns may be made of various different materials such as all-ceramic, zirconium, metal ceramic and plastic. The latter is the material of temporary crowns. Teeth are often chipped off so much that their crown part cannot be used to fix a tooth replacement. Even in this case, however, it is possible to keep the root of the tooth. Following root canal treatment, a post can be glued in the root. The post is very similar to a burred tooth stump. It protrudes out of the root of the tooth and is able to anchor a crown even on a severely damaged tooth.

All-porcelain crown or bridge

An all-porcelain crown, also known as full porcelain crown or jacket crown, is completely free of metal. This type of tooth replacement meets even the highest aesthetic expectations. It is very similar to the patient’s original teeth and may be used when the patient has metal allergy.
 The only disadvantage of an all-porcelain tooth replacement is that its bending strength is not sufficient for a bridge. This means that this material is not suitable for bridges; only a single crown may be prepared from all-porcelain.


Metal-free zirconium ceramic crown or bridge made with CAD/CAM technology

(computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing)

The tooth replacement known as zirconium crown or bridge is the most recent, state-of-the-art solution for a lifelike tooth replacement. Zirconium dioxide is completely metal-free, and this raw material is suitable for the preparation of a perfectly lifelike tooth. This type of tooth replacement is made with computer-aided technology with micrometre accuracy, so precision and the patient’s comfort are guaranteed.

A great advantage of zirconium crowns over all-porcelain crowns is that zirconium’s bending strength is sufficient for the preparation of bridges. Zirconium dioxide is basically white, so it is a perfect solution in aesthetic dentistry.

Metal ceramic crowns

Metal ceramic crowns are the most frequently used type of tooth replacement, mostly due to the fact that they are less expensive than all-ceramic crowns. Metal ceramic crowns are colloquially called porcelain crowns, but they are not fully porcelain. A metal ceramic crown is a porcelain tooth replacement fused on a thin metal frame. Only the porcelain material is visible; it completely covers the metal frame.

The colour of the porcelain is selected with the help of a tooth shade chart so it can be completely matched to the shade of the original teeth. Metal ceramic tooth replacements are long-lasting and robust but they are less aesthetic-looking than all-ceramic and zirconium crowns. As even by choosing the most appropriate porcelain shade, it is not always possible to give a lifelike restoration compared to the original teeth.


Temporary crown made with CAD/CAM technology

(computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing)

The primary goal of temporary crowns is to function as crowns for a shorter period of time, until permanent crowns are prepared. Should any kind of tooth replacement be necessary, the preparation of the permanent replacement usually takes a few days. In all cases, we ensure that the patient does not have to be without teeth even for a day. We prepare a plastic crown which is not a permanent tooth replacement and does not function as a complete replacement. It only provides a temporary solution for a few days, until the permanent tooth replacement is ready to be placed. These replacements are also made with computer-aided technology, so they often match permanent crowns in aesthetics and comfort. The aim of temporary crowns is to provide you a complete life even in this temporary period and to ensure that you have a confident smile and the ability to eat and drink.

If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental treatment, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.
Call us at phone number  +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to with your questions, if you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send us it too.

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