What is bone grafting and when do you need it?

What is bone grafting and when do you need it?

In certain cases it is impossible to perform dental implant surgery because the quantity of the available bony substance is not sufficient. Since the jaw is not wide or high enough, the bony substance cannot support the implant. In these cases bone grafting is necessary.

Why bone grafting is necessary before implant surgery?

For many people, it is hard to understand what causes the bone to disappear. It is really simple. It is the quantity of the bone that retains the teeth; and the bone is kept in place by the process of chewing. If a tooth is missing, chewing has no effect there, and bone resorption occurs because the bone has no function in that area anymore. This is the reason why it is necessary to place an implant after tooth loss as soon as possible.

Furthermore, certain disorders and diseases have a harmful effect on the bone and its quality. This is one of the reasons why a full examination is required before the dental implant procedure. The most common diseases that cause bone loss are osteoporosis and parodontitis. When somebody has a missing tooth for a prolonged period of time, the bone may be absorbed. A large extent it is impossible to insert the implant without prior intervention. In these cases bone grafting is required.

On the basis of the explanation above, it is clear that in many cases it would be impossible to place an implant without prior bone grafting. As a result, in recent years the technology of implantation and the technology of bone grafting have developed side by side.

Due to scientific research, the above-mentioned operations are now regarded to be routine procedures; they are painless and low-risk procedures.

The success of the implantation process often depends on the quality of the bony substance, so you should not be averse to this process. In order to perform a successful implantation process, bone grafting is sometimes unavoidable.

If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental treatment, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.
Call us at phone number  +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to info@moriczdental.hu with your questions. If you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send us it too.

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