Composite veneer

Composite veneer

Composite veneer if you are not satisfied with your smile? Select veneers with no preparation for a perfect smile in a short time.

Composite veneer (direct restoration) is the most recent method of aesthetic dentistry

Direct composite veneers restore damaged, decayed or discoloured teeth, or teeth with damaged enamel. This treatment is used in aesthetic dentistry. Its purpose is to restore the original shape of the front teeth while yielding the best mechanical and aesthetic effect. Only the damaged tissues have to be removed, and the outcome is surprisingly permanent and aesthetic-looking. This is a great advantage of modern aesthetic dentistry over traditional methods.


Direct restoration is the most recent method of aesthetic dentistry

Direct composite veneers restore damaged, decayed or discoloured teeth, or teeth with damaged enamel. This treatment is used in aesthetic dentistry; its purpose is to restore the original shape of the front teeth and to yield the best mechanical and aesthetic effect at the same time. Only the damaged tissues have to be removed, and the outcome is surprisingly permanent and aesthetic-looking. This is a great advantage of modern aesthetic dentistry over the traditional methods.

Composite veneer is appropriate for treating the following aesthetic deficiencies:

  • Decays
  • Changing old, discoloured fillings
  • Teeth fractured or damaged in an accident
  • Closing small gaps between the teeth
  • Defects of the form or shape of the teeth

In addition to fixing the problem, we also put great emphasis on delivering results that look natural in terms of shape and colour. As a result, the teeth treated with this method will be indistinguishable from the patient’s own teeth. In fact, this is the main purpose of aesthetic dentistry.


Light curing of dental filling material – direct restorations

A great achievement of aesthetic dentistry is light curing of dental filling materials, a process that enables direct composite veneers and restorations. Light-cured filling materials are suitable as basic materials in aesthetic dentistry primarily because they help us to achieve the perfect shape and colour for the teeth. In addition, they have incredibly high abrasion resistance, stress resistance and tensile strength; actually higher than that of enamel.

These characteristics guarantee that the ‘tooth-supplement’, which is also called direct composite veneer or aesthetic filling, will not fracture and it perfectly fulfils its function. As a result, light-cured materials are suitable not only for restoring the incisors, but also for restoring molar teeth.

The basic material of composite resin filling material is synthetic resin that is reinforced with nanometre-sized glass- and porcelain granules. During direct restoration this soft filling material is used for the construction of the tooth. This material then hardens and bonds to the tooth when it is cured (set) with a blue light. It becomes as solid as tooth enamel.

In aesthetic dentistry we like using light-cured filling materials because in addition to the above-mentioned functional advantages, they help us to achieve an aesthetically perfect appearance. The primary purpose of aesthetic dentistry is to deliver perfect results both in terms of functionality and aesthetic appearance. Light-cured filling material used in direct restorations is one of most frequently used substances in aesthetic dentistry these days. It helps us to achieve this goal.

If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental treatment, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.

Call the phone number +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to with your questions. If you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send it to us too.

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