Have you ever thought about why you are not smiling in family photos? Would you like to change this within 5 days?
A few years ago the perfect smile was the privilege of celebrities and models; however, nowadays it is available to you, too. In addition, it is not necessary to take the risk of getting a treatment that is not suitable for you: you can design your smile in cooperation with your dentist, so you will have the possibility to start the treatment only if you are totally satisfied with the projected results. Veneer is a type of prosthetics that is as thin as a contact lens, and it covers the front surface of the teeth. It is made of a special, very solid material: pressed ceramic.
Its main function is to satisfy high aesthetic requirements. It is the perfect choice for covering the defects of the front surface of the teeth, such as enamel defects, decays or discolouration. However, ceramic veneers are most frequently used when patients are not satisfied with the colour of their teeth and there is no other possibility for whitening. In these cases using ceramic veneers is the obvious solution; this is a painless and quick treatment that can solve the problem of discolouration within a week. The most important advantage of veneers is that the original aesthetic and biomechanical unit can be fully restored without causing dentin loss. Not only do ceramic veneers require the removal of very little dental structure, but they are also aesthetically very pleasing and permanent.
Defects of the shape of the dental arch or that of individual teeth Partial or full discolouration of the teeth Dental enamel defects Altering the length of the teeth at will Closing diastema To restore abraded denture to its original state Teeth that have grown in or shifted to the wrong place Teeth with colour defects Damaged crowns For the purpose of having natural-looking, brilliant white teeth
Play for safety! Design your new smile in cooperation with your dentist within 40 minutes. Smile design is a computational solution for planning your smile in cooperation with your dentist. This is the perfect solution from a dental-anatomic point of view. In addition, it also maximally meets your aesthetic requirements. The people around you will envy your smile. An unquestionable advantage of smile design is that you can see both your present and your new smile; as a result, the spectacular difference is easily perceptible. Trust us, you will be surprised by the outcome, and you will not be able to get the picture of your new smile out of your head: your smile will really look like it does in the picture.
If you would like to be informed about possible dental solutions, want to get accurate information about dental treatment, please visit our clinic for a personal consultation.
Call us at phone number +36 1 36 11 222 or send an e-mail to info@moriczdental.hu with your questions, if you have a panoramic X-ray image, please send us it too.
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