Dr. Adrienn Török dentist

Dr. Adrienn Török dentist

Conservative dentistry and prosthetic dentistry

Specialties: endodontics, aesthetic dentistry, treatment hypnosis

Dr. Adrienn Török dentist

Motto: “A smile sent will always return.” (Indian proverb)

I graduated in 1997 from the Faculty of Dentistry at SOTE Medical University in Budapest.

During my years at university I found some role models for my career and professional approach. I worked with these dentists as an assistant, picking up the theoretical and practical foundations of dentistry. I gained more experience in London, in a clinic of good repute.

I was a trainee in Budapest in the Central Institute of Stomatology, where I could work in the field of periodontology, one of my fields of interest.

I have been working as a private dentist since 1999. Before coming to Móricz Dental Aesthetic Dentistry and Implant Centre, I had worked for Kelenföldi Dental Centre. I aim to provide a high-quality, fully comprehensive service to my patients.

My spheres of interest are endodontics (the dental specialty concerned with dental pulp diseases), periodontology (the study of periodontal diseases) and aesthetic dentistry (life-like dental restorations and solutions).

Lately I have mostly been working in the fields of smile design and dental interventions without drilling, so I train myself in these fields.

I speak good German.

It is important for me to have a relaxed atmosphere in the surgery. I aim to create a good atmosphere both with my colleagues and my patients, as healing is possible only in a stress-free environment.

I respect patients who come to our clinic with confidence in us; the basis of my work is mutual cooperation.

I aim to provide my patients with detailed information about the treatment possibilities, so that they can choose the most optimal solution geared towards their specific problems. In addition to solving their current dental problems, I aim to teach my patients how to improve their daily dental care, and I try to show them why aesthetic and permanent solutions are preferable to other alternatives.

It gives me much pleasure to see that my patients are confident, motivated and satisfied when they leave the clinic, and that they return to us with confidence.

In order to realize the abovementioned goals, I also use my experience in the field of hypnotherapy. If necessary, I use different types of relaxation techniques upon the patient’s request. As a result, it is possible to perform painless treatments without using anaesthesia. I have success with this new method, and it is also beneficial for the patients, as it is a soothing, safe technique.

“There is no better time to be happy than right now. There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way.”

I am fortunate because I love everything I do. I am a mother of two boys and I try to teach my sons everything that is valuable to me: appreciating honest relationships, noticing unselfish love, finding and respecting a profession, helping others whenever you can, finding gratifying hobbies and putting one’s skills and power to good use.

I love the beauty and diversity of nature. I walk my two weimaraner dogs every day for hours. I take photos regularly, and lately I have been drawing my favourite pictures. I like doing sports: I am interested in horse riding and running.

Everybody in my family plays the drums, so recently I have also started drumming. This is my most recent hobby.

I enjoy new challenges; I always find something new that I have never tried before. I like learning; I have a lot of plans.

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